Saturday, January 10, 2009

The following is my version of response in connection with a comment made by a friend and a relative in connection with a previously posted comment by me on, “Why Amjad is suitable for Thaa Atoll Candidate”. I thought I must repost it here for you.

Sound extremely convincing counter attack on my comments. Yes the lad is well educated and well spoken in both English and Dhivehi but not a good orator I would say. And you must know that, this election is technically very different from what we had in the past. This time it’s all about constituents rather than administrative sectors. So Amjad may be contesting for our constituent, (Thimarafushi, Guraidhoo and Gaadhifushi ) which I believe most competitive in our administrative sector.

Mr. Gentleman there is no guy who is illiterate among potential candidates who have wished to contest for our constituent. If any of them are illiterate, it means he/she is not up to the certain criteria set by our constitution. So you can't simply say, "We don't want illiterate people for parliament". If someone who has basic knowledge is fit enough for the parliament according to our constitution. In fact it is a constitutional right for each and every single person in the Maldives.

Mr. Gentleman, the world has today changed a lot. Dependency has been constantly decreasing due to social, economic and cultural boom. Better not to attack others so sarcastically. I know you very well. You are an educated guy who is in good position in our society and in fact you are influential over a portion of people due to some reasons. But it won't guarantee you anything.

Last but not least, a good qualification alone won't make you a good politician. I am telling you this very honestly. Politics involves real mind games and certain things that are out of our mindset. Being a parliament member, you cannot be away from those things. I am great admirer for people who has qualifications in certain areas like education, should work in the area where he/she is mastered. We as a country still need to improve a lot more things in our educational system.

Mr. Gentleman, I know this involves a greater portion of island politics and hence it’s quiet natural that human beings are self motivated and hunger for more and more power whatever end in life. But equally we must also know that, social harmony plays a pivotal role in developing a society.

A society like us, both politically and administratively corrupted needs a real leader who is willing to forget and forgive the past setbacks. Yes, there was total cronyism and nepotism. But it was past. We cannot rekindle our past anymore and we must try to work for our future.

I hope the upcoming election will not divide us anymore even though we are politically divided into different factions. Let us all be wise enough to make this real chance to make ours despite our obligations.

Wisdom is a gift of heaven

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