Monday, January 12, 2009

Island Counsellor – Better be bygone be bygone.

This is another vital topic which I have been approached by many people to see my views and say about it. Most interestingly, some has urged me to accept the job. As I am always a strong believer and a supporter of political and economic reform, I had to refuse the offer due to many obstacles, I feel cannot be overcome within the system in place at the moment. Here are few reasons why I am so hesitant to accept the offer.

The job involves a greater part of island politics and as the community is particularly divided into various factions due to corruption, mismanagement, nepotism and some portion of cronyism. One must not forget that, past rulers have made terrible mistakes in order to strengthen their influence over the people. The consequences of those mistakes are bound to today’s generation who are willing to accept the post.

I am strong believer of decentralization and its benefits at fullest. In fact, I believe one and only way where we could achieve our goals in the future. At the moment the post is similar like “the old katheeb” who is also responsible for the person who has given him the post and a name will not help us to make any difference.

Currently, the decentralization process is going on without any legal platform as it cannot be done without a necessary law packages and regulations which I believe something against the constitution. This is totally ridiculous.

I will always prefer a personnel nominee than a public nominee as I believe I can only do the job according to my will. In this case, I have to be responsible for the people not for someone else.

Last but not least, one of the vital reasons is, I am politically belongs to a party that has no share which unity government in place. If I ever accept any such political post from this government is something not good for the sake of my political endeavours.

I still believe that I need to learn more about the politics and gain experience over the period of next 10 or 15 years to come. Consequently, I need time to make ready my mind to face pressure and do the job wisely with the experience.

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