Thursday, January 8, 2009

I personnely urge the governement of Maldives to declare its plea against the agression of Israel over the people of Ghaza and Palastine. As we all are muslims, it is very hard to see and hear the casualities going on in the Ghaza Strip. It was reported that, more than 650 were dead, 3000 were injured and infact most are civilians.
It is evident that Israel has a record of disobeying UN resolutions. United Sates of America and Britain are two significant allies who are continuoesly helping them to violate the UN's resolutions on various aspects. I am very sad to see that the arab world has failed to unite against the western world in respect to free and independent Palastine and some other critical issues that are considered as a challenge to Muslim world.
Muslim population has 21% share in world population and yet muslim contries are unable to do anything other than saying "it is a act of aggression". Till date no muslim nation has ever done anything to pressure or stop israel and its agression over Palastine. In return, certain groups from Palastine and Lebanon are offensive against israeli aggression. Hamas has been most phenominal and its charter says, "eradicate israel from the globe".

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