Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Make wise choices – Parliamentary Elections

The upcoming parliamentary election will be country’s first ever multi-party parliamentary election and yet one of the most competitive political rapture in the history of this lovely nation. The campaign has already begun and some candidates are campaigning in the respective constituents his/her is going to contest for. It is believed that this parliamentary election will be one of the most expensive yet competitive campaigns in the political history, although the economy is slumping.

In the modern day of politics, the most influential components of a campaign is how much he/she is willing to spend and the popularity among the people. Consequently, money is one of the most coherent factors of a campaign. In a civilized community, people choose based on policies and quality of the candidates and thereby the supporters will give donor and subsequently it is people’s money. But in our community, it is more like buying the votes with money rather than winning with genuine support from the people. In such cases it can be considered that he bought it and in the end he/she won’t be accountable to the people.

What we decide today may impair our political recognition in the future. It has to be someone who is really committed to bring political and economic reform within the parliament; in fact he/she must be capable of doing it. It is not always necessary that the wealthiest choice is appropriate for the post.


Anonymous said...

Don't give ur vote to any MDP candidate. They are failed. They just killed all our hopes, lied so badly.

IsmailHM said...

Thank you for your remark. My point is to tell you to decide your vote based on policies and capabilities. Not considering the political status of an individual.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. What I was referring is that the current status of government inst letting us to vote for MDP. They are just ruining the whole economy as if its their own asset. There are capable individuals at MDP, but how can we give a majority to then when they failed on what they promises, when they are going totally against what they promised.....

IsmailHM said...

Once again thank you. Yes, giving majority to the ruling party would be a political disaster as we have experienced in the past. So I would say make your choices based on policies whether you are giving out your vote to a MDP or whichever.