Monday, November 17, 2008

How much can we expect from new government?

Well, our hopes are sky high with newly formed government and the question here is how much can we expect from the new government? Yes, we’ve been neglected from very basic needs for more than 30 years or so. Needless to talk about the condition of human rights and social injustice we’ve been gone through.

It would not be fair if we think all these things could be solved within a day or so. We must know that “CHANGE” is not a process of a day or one year. It is a process that lasts forever. Yes, change has come to Maldives and all we need to do is maintain the change and try reaching our goals. For this we need to understand certain things;

1. We must know that the previous government was an autocratic regime where everything is controlled by one person or more like a monarch. Therefore, to strengthen democratic values will take a fair period of time and we must all accept it.

2. Every campaign comes and ends with lot of promises and we must be clever enough to know that all promises can’t be fulfilled as speedier we expect. Especially, our economy is totally dried and this would be the greatest challenge the new government may face.

3. There is no miracle solution found anywhere in the world for where there are social injustice, bad human right records, vice versa. Therefore, we must know that, in a democratic society, criticism is most evident and must learn how to tolerate the criticisms you may face from free media.

4. The Parliament, the Judiciary and the Administrative power are divided and are watchful on each other.

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