Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A break from political affairs

I have been thinking to take a break from politics since last November to go for higher studies. Since then, I have not been in politics except much thrilling campaign of last parliamentary election. It was really a tremendous experience to me and I was really amazed with it. At the end of the day, all went against the way I was expecting to happen. No offence, that’s the rule of the democracy.

I have no hesitation about any of my decisions I took during the campaign and even the re-election in our constituent. I don’t really bother about what critics may say about my decisions and what matters to me is the reality according to my belief.

Now the election is over and I will not be seen actively involving in politics at least for another two and half years time as my studies will commence this July. I will always keep in touch with you through my blog and I can assure you that I will write and post my way of thinking about different political issues.

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