Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My dear friend let’s make our lives better despite our political differences

This post is purely in response to one of my classmate who has sent me a face book message about me. In that message, she made very sarcastic comments and remarks about my decision to support Mr. Gassaan in the re-election of Thimarafushee Constituent.

I am not very surprised to see your comments about me and the way you branded me. I've never done anything wrong so far which is beyond my control and never said and never did anything that I may have to feel sorry for ever. What I know is I have always been doing things what my heart and mind says with advices from certain people. Hard decisions are always difficult and political reality is always hard to swallow.

My dear friend, I took a hard decision not to support Mr. Musthafa but instead Mr. Gassaan. There is some reality why I made that hard decision knowing that most of my loving people would be against my decision. However, if it was you or somebody else, I would not mind to stay away or avoid mutual relationships if he or she is not willing to face me. In short, I've never done any crime that I may be punished.

To be honest, I really don't care about what people may say about it but rather I will always try to maintain my relationship with others at my best. I am not an opportunist like many of our friends. Therefore, the current political arena may prevent me from some narrow minded people who are nothing more than bunch of craps. So I will always willingly chase them out of my way. This is bit offensive, but I have to keep going with this approach due to much of political than my personnel reasons.

What I said about Mr. Musthafa is absolutely fine and there will never be a time where he and I may come to a common ground in the current political arena. But I bet still myself and Musthafa can speak each other regardless of our political difference and it happened often even when the time of Election Day and during campaign as well.

My dear friend, I will never be hesitant to face people in whatever circumstances. Yes, I may have to go back and live there and of course I am hopeful of doing it one day. My dear friend, Lets not make assumptions, but rather make wise choices, I made my choice and you made your choice. But I don't think it may prevent me from living Thimarafushi ever. I am not a coward.

My dear friend, I know and I deeply respect the feelings of our people and most of their common interest of bringing some who belongs to Thimarafushi to the parliament. In one way it’s good. But did you know what I have gone through during much heated campaign? Did you know that even Mr. Musthafa he himself warned me? Did you know how many times I was assaulted? Did you know how many times I was challenged physically? It was not during the last round but it all happened during the first round of campaign and I was most truly campaigned for my brother. To be honest, Mr. Musthafa was my second choice.

My dear friend, I tolerated all sorts of harassment from Mr. Musthafa's supporters and unfortunately there some of my very close people. And later I was back to male' and DRP took the case to the high court and unfortunately my then sister-in-law Ms. Usha gave her eyewitness accounts to the high court. It was not a decision by me and in fact it all happened out of my knowledge and by that time I was in Gaaf Dhaal atoll with my family. On 21st May 2009, our home (ummeedh) was targeted with an arson attack.

Now would you say all it was fair? What I did was purely legitimate and nobody can ever rule out it. If it was a mistake, what the hell are we following something called Constitution?

My dear friend, I know this is little bit longer than you expected but let me tell you, I am courageous enough to face the challenges ahead of me and Insha Allah I will conquer it in most victorious manner. My critics may say anything and I've always listen it and I will continue to do it. It helps me a lot to grow as a person.

At last but not least, I think you know well what kind of boy I was when we were studying at school. I was calm and quiet but my dear friend let there be no doubt that my calmness had lost me anything. Instead today I feel very confident and comfortable with my past days despite all the harassment from our age boys. I've never struggled in my life to find life anywhere in my life. I came through it and I think today I am much capable of facing this relatively small challenge.

My dear friend, though we don't see each other often, I respect all my classmates, colleagues, friends and relatives in my heart. Let’s learn how to live with political differences and challenges. We will always be friends and known people whatever we think in our way ahead.

At last but not least, my dear friend, your sarcastic comments about me will never make me feel worry and down rather I will see it as an opinion about me from someone else. That’s it.

My dear friend, before talking someone who is politics, please be aware that he or she will do things according to political trends and the way he or she feels right. That cannot be taken into account by someone else.

Please read our Constitution well and try to understand at least for the sake of your own safety and to learn the basic constitutional rights.

Please don't be among the bunch of craps. I respect you well and I am sure you can understand much better than the rest.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

DRP lost due to its own negligence -

Over the period of 30 years, Guraidhoo has always been given far more Importance than the highest population in between Male’ the capital and Huvadhoo Atoll. As president Nasheed said, the people Thimarafishui were not given even half of what they deserved in contrast to similar size of population throughout the country.

Imagine how life would be a population of more than 2700 men, women and children’s who have been living in a size of 22 hectors of land with absolute despair and negligence. The frustrations among the people are understandable and yet they deserve a better life. Today, the country is progressing towards a multiparty democracy; the people are clever enough that government blessings are far more imperative than anything in order to accomplish a progressive development in all aspect.

Like the past regimes, this government has also promised several infrastructure development projects to be implemented within the period of five years. One good example could be the airport project which has brought forward as a package inclusive of several other benefits. It was announced that, the airport project shall commence on or before 7th July 2008 which is within a period of two months from time of announcement. Most notably, the ceremony was held in thimarafushi just a day before last parliamentary election.

It was really emotional as I thought the long awaited unfulfilled promises will finally be over and it will happen as they promised in the ceremony. It was almost like, the funding, planning and all necessary things were done and things have to begin. Wow. What a feeling was it? I had no grumble, although the government has used it as a tool to influence over the people in order to seek the support for MDP candidate. Yes, it was an electoral fraud but I decided not complain about it. Because it was something that we people of thimarafushi are desperately looking for.

Now the hard fought battle is over and finally MDP candidate has won the election and I am now waiting to see the much of words than a practical action. The undisputed bond with the government, I hope things will materialize soon. But where are the details of the promised package? Who is coming? When are they going to start it? These are few questions to be asked?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A break from political affairs

I have been thinking to take a break from politics since last November to go for higher studies. Since then, I have not been in politics except much thrilling campaign of last parliamentary election. It was really a tremendous experience to me and I was really amazed with it. At the end of the day, all went against the way I was expecting to happen. No offence, that’s the rule of the democracy.

I have no hesitation about any of my decisions I took during the campaign and even the re-election in our constituent. I don’t really bother about what critics may say about my decisions and what matters to me is the reality according to my belief.

Now the election is over and I will not be seen actively involving in politics at least for another two and half years time as my studies will commence this July. I will always keep in touch with you through my blog and I can assure you that I will write and post my way of thinking about different political issues.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am not against the will of my people and I respect my bonds on them…

I hope life will be much better and prosperous for our people and let's all be unified despite our political differences in connection with the parliamentary elections. What is gone is gone and the beauty of a democracy is either to win or lose. So we lost this time but it’s nothing more than a matter of few days and the rest are ahead.

I was not against the will of our people and my bonds on them. What I did was a challenge which I desperately needed to test, as I was intimidated some of my very close people. As I am in politics, I must try my worth as much as I could. Opinions are different people to people and party to party. I know my obligations and many would think what I did was wrong.

But let's not always forget about once own life and his own reservations, grudges on a person or an issue etc. I had my own reservations and I am telling you guys, I was determined to it much of political than a personnel affair. Now the election is over and let’s not again unfolds our past reservations. Everybody including me must respect and accept the remarkable victory conquered by Mr. Musthaf. That is why I sent my sincere gratitude to both Mr. Musthafa and Mujuthaba.

May be in the future, I may prefer another stand and it may be against you and others. Let’s learn to respect and digest. It’s our collective responsibility. That is why we need to build a better democracy.

I am determined to work with you again like never before on social issues and this is the message i have for my people. I know they are in agony and despair. But at the same time, I suffered in similar manner. But I have forgotten and forgiven to all from my side.

Peace is the only way where we could achieve a harmonious society now and forever.
Congratulations..... Mr. Mohamed Musthafa

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I stand against: Not Personnel But Collective Obligations

In every sense, I made my decision not to support Mr. Musthafa due to many reasons. To be frank, when the beginning of the campaign, he was my second choice next to my brother Mr. Mohamed Hassan Manik. But today, he has become my last choice even to consider. Why?

Integrity and aptitude are one of the most significant factors to be considered while choosing a candidate for the parliament. In my opinion, Mr. Mustha is ranked in lowest among the four candidates who are contesting for thimarafushee constituent.

Mr. Musthafa is a well-known guy throughout the country due to his dirty business tricks and some of the apparent criminal offences. I was surprised to see that, Mr. Musthafa himself given a confession to Haveeru Daily in response to accused defaulted loan facilities from Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) by saying he does not owe any money to anywhere but there were some debts which owed to some of the individuals. But that has also been cleared.

His campaign was designed and planned a realistic strategy than an ideology which could be easily propagated and convinced. One is to elect someone who belongs to thimarafushee and eventually the long awaited unfulfilled promises could be colored with the undisputed influence over the government. But the reality is that, there is no difference between Mr. Musthafaa and Mr. Gassaan as they both are registered in male’ and they are not residents of Thimarafushi.

However, it looks really odd when he is talking about 30 years of Gayyoom regime as he was not visited thimarafushi even a single time except during second round of the presidential election last year. In fact, it was first time I have ever seen him in my life.

I never thought that this guy is such an intolerant and stupid. His stupidity and intolerance are major reasons why he is facing re-election and his violent behavior will cost him this election.

I hope he will not be conquered this re-election by God willing.