Wednesday, October 8, 2014

When white collar criminals rule a nation, stability is certain..

Many would wonder why I chose to write on such a bold topic. I have always been an admirer of freedom of expression within the limitations set out in the Islamic Sharee'aa. I am not a scholar or qualified enough to debate with religious fanatics and extremists who are propagating malicious acts and barbarism in the name of Islam. Indeed, Islam is for all the time and all the people and authentic Islamic teachings encourages trusting people of all faiths (except they attack your country, your family or yourself) in fact, Islam allows us to attack people of other faiths only in the hostile situations where they attack you. 

I am not in position to defend democratic system but I do know that democratic aspirations takes you in a state of mind that you feel you are a part of larger community rather than isolated in a cage with your lips are stitched with an iron fist. Many so called democrats today are a bi-product of a totalitarian regime whom so blatantly ruled this lovely nation for almost 3 decades. Are we idiots to expect democratic governance and good practice from bunch of those white collar criminals. 

Torture, fear, uncertainty and mysterious deaths, abductions and forceful disappearances are key strategies used by the autocratic-totalitarians to silent and keeping the larger community specially intellectuals from harsh criticism on various actions and failures of a government. 

Now, if you carefully analyse the incidents of past year, you would notice that no one seems care much knowing fact that your life is at stake if your dare to open your mouth. How many lives we lost due to gang related violence? How many incidents of drugs and alcoholic related offences, most importantly how many controversies that can easily be portrayed as selling our sovereignty as a nation, the so called "taka taka" tag. One broad example could be Speacial Economic Zone (SEZ) where  foreign investors can acquire land plots for 99 years. This is not a bad idea given the economic viability and inflow of foreign exchanges. what concerns me most is fact that when MDP led government leased out Male International Airport to GMR for 25 years, the uproar against the decision was immense but nothing other than a large scale manipulation of truth by the so called democrats. Most agonizingly, a prominent minister today, made a public plea for boycotting Goods and Service Tax (GST), only with intention of overthrowing a perfectly legitimate government. 

Today, the very people who opposed the economic packages introduced by the MDP led government is enjoying large sums and filling up their coffins as much as possible. I am not particularly bitter about overthrowing of MDP led government but I am deeply concerned about losing hard earned democratic achievements. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Make wise choices – Local Council Election

The following article was written by me some two years ago. I have cut pasted the original contents just to remind you that what I then predict was exactly the situation we are facing today.

The upcoming Local Council Election will be country’s first ever multi-party Local Council election and yet one of the most competitive political rapture in the entire history of this lovely nation. The campaign has already boomed and some candidates are doing their campaigns heavily. It is believed that this Local Council Election will be very competitive and exhilarating.

In the modern day of politics, the most influential components of a campaign is how much he/she is willing to spend and the popularity among the people. Consequently, money is one of the most coherent factors of a campaign. In a civilized community, people choose based on policies and quality of the candidates and thereby the supporters will give donor and subsequently it is people’s money. But in our community, it is more like buying votes with peanuts taking advantage out of innocence of the ordinary people rather than winning with genuine support from the people.

What we decide today may impair our political recognition in the future. It has to be someone who is really committed to bring political and economic reform to our community; in fact he must be capable of doing it. It is not always necessary that the most influential figure is appropriate for the post.

I, therefore urge you to decide your choice based on vision, capability, and drive for economical, social and political development. Let there be no doubt that you made right choices by choosing someone who possess a good track record.